Course Paper in the Swedish language

Course: Swedish Philology and Translation, English and Third Germanic Language

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Course Paper in the Swedish language
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
4 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 2. Process information effectively: collect relevant information from a variety of sources, including professional literature and electronic databases, critically analyze and interpret it, organize, classify and systematize it. PLO 7. Understand the major issues of philology and approaches to solving those using relevant methods and innovative approaches. PLO 16. Know and understand the basic theories and concepts of the chosen philological specialization, be able to apply them in professional activities. PLO 17. Collect, analyze, systematize and interpret the facts of language and speech and use them to solve complex problems and problems in specialized areas of professional activity and/or study. PLO 19. Have the skills to participate in scientific and/or applied research in the field of philology. Complete list of program learning outcomes is available in the profile of the educational program.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Writing a course paper in Swedish does not require any previous skills to carry out scientific research. The students are expected to have basic skills of working with scientific literature (writing abstracts), as well as knowledge of the Swedish language at a level not lower than A2.
Course content
The 2nd year course paper in Swedish is an independent written abstract-research work, which involves mandatory indepent research study of a specific scientific problem and recording the results of this research. Writing course paper involves conducting scientific research on a topic chosen by the student. Research topics may cover various linguistic fields (phonetics, grammar, lexicology, stylistics), as well as problems of translation from Swedish into Ukrainian. Scientific research which is carried out within the framework of course paper writing includes the following activities: collecting and processing scientific literature on the research issue; collecting empirical linguistic material and its analysis or planning and conducting a scientific experiment; representing the obtained results in the text of the course paper; presenting a course paper at the defense. The coursework is written in Ukrainian, its volume is 25-30 pages of printed text, and the list of works cited should contain at least 20 items.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Основнi вимоги до пiдготовки та написання навчально-наукових i квалiфiкацiйних робiт (для студентiв-фiлологiв) : Методичнi рекомендацiї. — Київ : Київський нацiональний унiверситет iменi Тараса Шевченка; Iнститут фiлологiї, 2019. — 92 c. 2. Мазур О.В., Подвойська О.В., Радецька С.В. Основи наукових дослiджень / О.В. Мазур, О.В. Подвойська, С.В. Радецька. — Вiнниця : Нова книга, 2013. — 119 с. 3. Корягiн М.В. Основи наукових дослiджень : навч. посiб. / М.В. Корягiн. — К. : Алерта, 2014. — 622 с. 4. Павличко О.О., Материнська О.В., Тимченко Є.П. Мовознавча термiнологiя для германiстiв / О.О. Павличко, О.В. Материнська, Є.П. Тимченко. — К. : Iнтерсервiс, 2020. — 286 с. 5. Så presenterar du din forskning — tips från en mästare [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу : forskning-tips-fran-en-mastare-1.863038
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Consultations with a scientific advisor, independent work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Course paper review by the scientific advisor, the course paper defense. Assessment criteria for each form of control are given in the academic discipline programme.
Language of instruction
Ukrainian, Swedish


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Oleksandr Serhiiovych Stasiuk
Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Studies
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Studies
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology