Introduction to university studies

Course: Tourism

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Introduction to university studies
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Show respect for individual and cultural diversity (PR14). Demonstrate tolerance for alternative principles and methods of performing professional tasks (PR 15). Act in accordance with the principles of social responsibility and civic awareness (PR16). Reasonably defend your views in solving professional tasks (PR19)
Form of study
External form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know: 1.1 the main historical prerequisites for the formation of university education in the world; 1.2 the main stages and features of the development of educational processes in Ukrainian lands; 1.3 Possess elementary skills of scientific research and information management; critical attitude and forecasting regarding political, economic, cultural events and phenomena 2. Be able to: 2.1 to characterize the peculiarities of the influence of world university traditions on the formation of the Ukrainian educational system; 2.2 to understand the essence of historical processes that influenced the development of university education in Ukrainian lands; 3. To have the basic skills of forming independent conclusions about educational processes in the world, in Ukraine and at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in different chronological periods, to apply in practice the knowledge gained during training.
Course content
Acquaintance with the primary sources of classical education and its traditions. Highlighting the peculiarities of Western European university education at various stages of historical development from antiquity to the present. Characteristics of the evolution of domestic higher education, the formation and functioning of Ukrainian universities lands Historical overview of the process of establishment and subsequent scientific and pedagogical activity of the university in Kyiv (XIX - XXI centuries). Analysis of the current situation of the Taras Shevchenko KNU, the Faculty of Geography and its main specialties against the background of world trends in the field of higher education.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Anilovska H.Ia., Marushko N.S., Tomanevych L.M. Universytetska osvita: Navch. posibnyk. Lviv, 2010. 2. Heohrafichnomu fakultetu – 70 - /Oliinyk Ya.B., Bortnyk S.Iu., Hrodzynskyi M.D., Hutsal V.O. ta in. – K., VHL «obrii», 2003.- 92 s. 3. Heohrafy Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka: dovidnyk / redkol.: Ya.B. Oliinyk ta in. Kyiv, 2018. 333 s. 4. Z imenem sviatoho Volodymyra: Kyivskyi universytet u dokumentakh, materialakh ta spohadakh suchasnykiv. Uporiad. V. Korotkyi, V. Ulianovskyi. Kyiv, 1994. 5. Istoriia Kyivskoho universytetu: monohrafiia: u 2 t. / Verbovyi O.V., Moroz I.M., Danylenko O.V. ta in. Kyiv, 2019. 6. Kuzminskyi A.I. Vstup do universytetskykh studii: navch. posib. dlia stud. Un-tiv. Cherkasy, 2004. 6. Terentieva N.O. Vyshcha (universytetska) osvita: stanovlennia i rozvytok. Cherkasy, 2005.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, self-study
Assessment methods and criteria
Semester assessment: 1. Synopsis of primary sources: a maximum of 10 points 2. Seminar classes: a maximum of 20 points 3. Presentation of independent research: a maximum of 10 points; 4. Written test: (40 test tasks, for each of which a student can get 0.5 points): maximum 20 points. The final evaluation in the form of credit is conducted in written format. The maximum number of points during the assessment is 40, the minimum number of points added to semester grades is 24 (60% of the maximum number of points assigned to the assessment).
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Olga Oleksandrivna Liubitseva
Regional Studies and Tourism
heohrafichnyi fakultet
Igor Georgiiovych Smyrnov
Regional Studies and Tourism
heohrafichnyi fakultet
Tetiana Yuriivna Gorban
Department of World Ukrainian History
Faculty of History