World museums and tourism

Course: Tourism

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

World museums and tourism
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO06. Apply in practical activities principles and methods of organization and technology tourist service. PLO07. Develop, promote and implement tourist product. PLO09. Organize the service process consumers of tourist services on the basis use of modern information, communication and service technologies and compliance with quality standards and safety standards PLO11. Own state and foreign in (them) language (languages), at a sufficient level for carrying out professional activities. PLO12. Apply productive skills communication with tourism consumers services PLO23. Establish a connection between heterogeneous information to obtain new knowledge
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Successful completion of the courses "Fundamentals of Tourism Studies", "Geography of Recreation and Tourism", "Tourist Local Studies", "Tourist Local Studies". 2. Knowledge of theoretical foundations: Know the essence of tourism, its composition, species structure; museums as traditional institutions of the leisure industry; tourist resources, their classification, the place of museums in the classification scheme of tourist resources; tourist resources and peculiarities of tourism development in different countries of the world and in Ukraine. To be able to analyze the influence of natural and cultural-historical factors on the development of tourism, to carry out a comprehensive assessment of such influence. 3. To have basic skills of substantiating the development of tourism in different regions and countries of the world depending on the available tourist resources, including museum
Course content
The academic discipline is devoted to study museum tourism, the museum as a tourist resource, a component of tourist infrastructure, subject of tour operator activity, familiarization with the main types of work of the museum (stock, exhibition, cultural and educational, commercial), historical stages the formation and development of museums and museum tourism, the spread of museum tourism in in certain regions and countries of the world, problems and prospects for the development of this type of tourism in Ukraine.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Babarytska V., Korotkova A., Malynovska O. Ekskursoznavstvo i muzeieznavstvo: Navch. posib. - K.: Alterpres, 2007. - 464 s. 2. Vaidakher F. Zahalna muzeolohiia: Posib. - L.: Litopys, 2005. - 632 s. 3. Vilchynskyi A. Muzeinyi turyzm v aspekti rozvytku turystychnoho potentsialu v mezhakh Ternopilskoho Prydnistrovia // Rekreatsiina heohrafiia i turyzm. Naukovi zapysky. - 2012. - №1. - S. 170-174. 4. Haida L. A. Muzeieznavstvo v zakladakh osvity: Navch.-metod. posib. - Kirovohrad: Vydavnytstvo KOIPPO, 2006. - 106 s. 7. Liubitseva O. O. Muzeinyi turyzm: navch. posib. / O. O. Liubitseva, T. I. Shparaha. – K., 2021. – 150 s. - [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: 8. Mazuryk Z.V. Turyzm yak vyklyk dlia muzeiv.- Visnyk DITB. Ser. «Ekonomika, orhanizatsiia i upravlinnia pidpryiemstvamy» (v turystychnii sferi). - 2006. - №10. - S. 235-238.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical work, self-study
Assessment methods and criteria
During the semester, final control tests are conducted. Final control papers are conducted in the form of tests and open questions and are designed to reveal the knowledge and skills gained when mastering the relevant topics. For students who during the semester did not reach the minimum cut-off grade level (60% of the maximum possible number of points), a final semester test is conducted - the maximum grade is no more than 40% of the final grade (up to 40 points). The condition for receiving a positive final grade in the discipline is to achieve at least 60% of the maximum possible number of points. The maximum number of points on the exam is 40. Students who scored less than 20 points in total are not allowed to take the exam. If less than 24 points are scored on the exam (60% of the 40 points assigned to the exam), then the points are not added to the semester grade, and only the number of points received during the semester is transferred to the examination report
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Tetiana Iliodorivna Shparaga
Regional Studies and Tourism
heohrafichnyi fakultet


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Regional Studies and Tourism
heohrafichnyi fakultet