Basics of tourism

Course: Tourism

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Basics of tourism
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1.1 To know, understand and be able to use in practice the basic concepts of tourism science from the organization of the tourist process and tourist activity of the subjects of the tourist services market, the functions of tourism and its subsystems, structural components, worldview and related sciences (PR02) 1.2 Know the characteristic features and be able to determine the main forms and types of tourism, their internal structure (PR03), understand the functioning mechanism of the tourism industry and its subsystems 2.1 Analyze the recreational and tourist potential of the territory of different hierarchical levels (PR05) and explain the peculiarities of the organization of recreational and tourist space (PR04) for different types of tourism, understand the mechanism of formation and functioning of tourist destinations
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To have elementary skills of searching for information and its generalization from various sources, the ability to analyze the received data.
Course content
1. Tourism as a social phenomenon and an object of knowledge. Functions of tourism. Structure of tourism. Self-organization of the tourist process. 2. Tourism as a sphere of economic activity. Tourism industry, its structure. Functional economic component of the tourism industry. 3. Territorial and economic component of tourism. Tourist resources. Concept of tourist destination and tourist clustering. 4. Institutional and organizational component of the tourism sphere, its components, features of their influence on the development of tourism. 5. Organization of hospitality services in tourism. Classification of accommodation and food establishments. Organization of transport services in tourism. Types and forms of transport service. 6. Basics of organization of tour operator activity. Methods of development of tours and programs. Organization of excursion services. 7. Market of tourist services. Tourism marketing and management. Modern trends in the development of international tourism. The state of tourism in Ukraine.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Liubitseva O.O., Babarytska V.K. Turyzmoznavstvo: vstup do fakhu.-K.: VPTs»Kyivskyi universytet», 2008.-335s. 2. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro vnesennia zmin do Zakonu Ukrainy «Pro turyzm» 1995r.», 2003r. 3. Krachylo N.P. Osnovы turyzmovedenyia.-K.,1980.-120s. 4. Lyman S.I., Parfinenko A.Iu., Posokhov I.S. Istoriia turyzmu: navch.posibnyk (dlia studentiv spets. «turyzm»), Sumy: PF «Universytetska knyha», 2018.-372 s. 5. Oliinyk Ya.B., Stepanenko A.V. Teoretychni osnovy turyzmolohii.Navch.posibnyk -K., 2005.-316s. 6. Panchenko T.F. Turystychne seredovyshche: arkhitektura, pryroda, infrastruktura. Monohrafiia.-K.:Lohos, 2009.-176s. 7. Pravove rehuliuvannia turystychnoi diialnosti v Ukraini: Zbirnyk normatyvnopravovykh aktiv.-K., 2002.-640s. 8. Ustymenko L.M., Afanasiev I.Iu. Istoriia turyzmu. Navch.posibnyk.-K., 2005.-320s. 9. Fedorchenko V.K., Dorova T.A. Istoriia turyzmu v Ukraini. Navch.posibnyk.-K.,2002.- 195s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures - 2 p.m. Seminars - 2 p.m. Consultations - 2 hours. Practical - 2 p.m. Self-study - 76 hours
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment is carried out throughout the semester and during the examination session. Practical works are handed in at each practical session or at the time specified by the teacher; for works submitted after the specified deadline, the assessment is 50% of the maximum number of points. Control work is conducted in the form of blitz tests for 6-7 weeks of study during the lecture. For students who have completed 60% or less of practical work, an additional test is held in the 11th-12th week of study. The exam is held within the time limits determined by the schedule of the exam session. Rating compliance scale Excellent 90-100 Good 75-89 Satisfactory 60-74 Fail 0-59 Excellent 90-100 Good 75-89 Satisfactory 60-74 Fail 0-59
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Olga Oleksandrivna Liubitseva
Regional Studies and Tourism
heohrafichnyi fakultet


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Regional Studies and Tourism
heohrafichnyi fakultet