
Course: Governance in Public Sphere

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service

Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes Know: the conceptual and categorical apparatus of aesthetics; defining stages of the development of the history of aesthetic thought, its outstanding representatives. Historical forms of aesthetic theory and practice. Be able to: Apply general provisions of aesthetic theory to specific facts of aesthetic and artistic and creative practice. Conduct polemics regarding the problems of sensibility and sensory cognition on the basis of mastery of the conceptually categorical apparatus of aesthetics. autonomy and responsibility: independently search and critically process the literature on aesthetic studies, be fluent in the methods of processing, analysis and synthesis of scientific information; bear responsibility for the reliability and political-ideological non-commitment of conducted research in the field of aesthetics
Form of study
External form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Prerequisites and additional requirements 1. Before starting this course, students should know the main stages and characteristics of the historical and cultural process; the main historical and philosophical ones theories, in particular, methods of philosophy of culture, theories and history of culture; the main ones philosophical concepts and categories; 2. To be able to collect and interpret information about phenomena and events culture, cultural processes and events; apply key terms, categories and classifications of philosophical knowledge in the analysis of social and cultural phenomena and processes; 3.Possess elementary skills of scientific research and management information; critical attitude and forecasting regarding political, , cultural and artistic events and phenomena; use of foreign language specialists philosophical informative sources.
Course content
Content of the educational program Part 1. Basic aesthetic categories Topic 1. Aesthetic. Its essence and main forms Aesthetic consciousness and its structure. Topic 2. The nature and development of aesthetic categories Topic 3. The process of artistic creativity. The structure of the creative process. Psychological mechanisms of creativity Topic 4. Aesthetic perception of the work art Topic 5. Species specificity of art Topic 6. Aesthetic culture and aesthetic upbringing 2 Part 2. Historical dynamics of aesthetic theory and artistic practice Topic 7. The specificity of aesthetics and the subject field of aesthetics. Topic 8. "Practices of image domestication": presence, representation, presentation. 1 Topic 9. General characteristics of aesthetics of the Ancient East. Symbolic form art Topic 10. Ancient aesthetics. Classical art form Topic 11. The ideal principle of spectacle. Mimesis as a basic concept of antiquity aesthetics Topic 12. General characteristics aesthetics of the Middle Ages 2 2 Topic 13-17
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Етика. Естетика: підручник / [заг. ред. Л. Левчук].– К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2014. – 432 с.: іл. 2. Естетика: підручник / [Левчук Л., Панченко В., Оніщенко О., Кучерюк Д.; З заг. ред. Л. Левчук]. – [2-ге вид., допов. і переробл].– К.: Вища школа, 2005. – 431 с.: іл. 3. Левчук Л. Т. Західноєвропейська естетика ХХ століття: Навч. посібник. – К.: Либідь, 1997. – 224 с. 4. Munro T. Knowledge and Control in the Field of Aesthetics [Electonical resurs] // Ecciss conditions: http: // www. compilerpress. /Anno% 20Munro% 20Knowledge%20and%20Control%20in%20the%20Field%20of%20Aesthetics%20J AAC%201941.html
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Planned educational activities and teaching methods Lectures, practical classes, seminars classes, independent work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Methods and criteria of assessment Knowledge control is carried out according to the ECTS system, which provides for a two-level evaluation of the learned material, in particular, the evaluation of theoretical training - learning outcomes (knowledge 1.1 - 1.4), which is 40% of the total assessment and assessment of practical training - learning outcomes (skills 2.1-2.4); (communication 3.1-3.2); (autonomy and responsibility 4.1), which is 60% of the total grade. Examination evaluation takes place in written form. The ticket consists of 2 questions, each of which is evaluated on a scale of 20 points, which gives a total of 40 points for the exam.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Iryna Viktorivna Zhyvohliadova
Department of Ethics, Aesthetics and Cultural Studies
Faculty of Philosophy


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Ethics, Aesthetics and Cultural Studies
Faculty of Philosophy