State and local budgets

Course: Local self-government

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service

State and local budgets
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Know the theoretical and applied foundations of public policy development and analysis, incl. in the field of local self-government, the basics and technologies for making managerial decisions. Solve complex problems of local self-government system development, public administration in general, taking into account the requirements of the legislation. Carry out effective management of innovations, resources, risks, projects, changes, and quality. Be able to develop national/regional program documents for the development of local self-government. Be able to communicate effectively, argue your position, use modern information and communication technologies. Develop reasonable management decisions necessary for the implementation of the right to local self-government. Plan and carry out scientific and applied research in the field of local self-government. Develop and implement measures to adapt and implement the best domestic and foreign practices.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The student has to: 1. Know: the basic economic laws, institutional structure of public administration, basics of economic and financial analysis, statistics. 2. Be able to use quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis of economic phenomena and processes, analytical and statistical methods of information processing on territorial entities social and economic development, work with national and international databases, summarize and organize information. 3. Possess the skills of analysis, synthesis, processing and visualization of statistical, sociological and other data, work with the legal framework, design and presentation of data using Microsoft Office programs (Excel, Word, Power Point, etc.).
Course content
Topic 1. State budget policy in the context of decentralization. Public finance, their functions. Topic 2. Budget system of Ukraine and the principles of its organization. Budget process at the state level. Participants and interaction. Topic 3. Features of the budget process at the local level. Participants and interaction. Topic 4. Revenues and expenditures of the state and local budgets. Budget balance. Topic 5. Budget equalization system. State support of local budgets. Topic 6. Budgeting by program-target method Topic 7. Gender-based budgeting Topic 8. Openness and transparency of state and local budgets: methods and tools of evaluation.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Бобиренко В., Бойко А., Болтовська Л., Борщ Г., Голинська О., Гринчук Н., Літвінов О., Ліхачов Р., Матвієнко А., Онищук І., Орлов М., Методологія оцінки прозорості місцевих бюджетів // Фонд Східна Європа - 2017. URL: 2. Бойко А., Борщ Г., Гринчук Н. та ін. Школа бюджетної грамотності для громадських організацій. Посібник для тренерів. Київ, 2017. 298 с. 3. Бюджетна система: тенденції розвитку / [В.М. Мазярчук та ін.]; під ред. В. М. Мазярчука. Київ: «ФОП Лопатіна О.О.», 2019. 384 с. URL: 4. Васильєва Н. В., Гринчук Н. М., Дерун Т. М., Куйбіда В. С., Ткачук А. Ф. Місцевий бюджет і фінансове забезпечення об’єднаної територіальної громади: навч.посіб. К.: 2017. 119 с. 5. Застосування ґендерно орієнтованого підходу в бюджетному процесі : навч. посіб. / М. Колодій, О. Кисельова, Н. Рябушенко, О. Цюпа. Київ : Віваріо, 2020. 132 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical classes, tests, questioning, independent tasks, analytical tasks, presentations, exam
Assessment methods and criteria
Knowledge control is carried out according to the ECTS system, which provides for a two-level assessment of the learned material, including theoretical training assessment – which is 25% of the total assessment for the semester and practical training assessment – which is 75% of the overall assessment for the semester. - semester assessment: 1. Oral questioning, discussion 2. Module test 3. Individual analytical task 4. Independent work - final assessment: the form of final assessment is an exam. The form of the exam is a written work with tasks of different levels of complexity. -graduation evaluation: the final grade is defined as the sum of grades (points) for all successfully assessed learning outcomes during the semester (grades below the minimum threshold are not added to the final grade) and the grade obtained during the exam. The maximum number of points a student can receive is 100 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Nataliia Mykhailivna Grynchuk
Department of Regional Policy
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Regional Policy
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service