Laboratory of optical, microwave and digital technology part 2

Course: Electronics and information technology in medicine

Structural unit: Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems

Laboratory of optical, microwave and digital technology part 2
ВБ 2.14
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
7 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
The student must know the basics of functioning, the main characteristics and the rules for using typical tools microwave control and measurements; to know typical values of technical and physical characteristics of elements of functional microwave electronics and methods of controlling these characteristics; to know typical values of technical and physical characteristics of elements of functional microwave electronics and methods of controlling these characteristics; to know the limitations of the application of theoretical models and the errors of the used approximations. The student must be able to draw up schemes for research characteristics of elements of functional microwave electronics; be able to use panoramic meters; be able to apply models of microwave electrodynamics; to be able to determine the parameters of the researched objects, document the research and formalize the results of the research. to be able to estimate the measurement error.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The educational discipline is "Laboratory of optical, microwave and digital technology" and is a component of the cycle of professional training of specialists of the educational and qualification level "bachelor". The study of this discipline is based on the following disciplines: "Electrodynamics", "Atomic Physics", "Differential Equations and Probability Theory", "Microwave Engineering".
Course content
The discipline provides for the performance of laboratory work in the field of optical and microwave research. In this part of the course, students master specialized means of microwave measurements (panoramic meters, microwave spectrometers) in a radiophysical experiment and features of microwave measurements; learn to determine the main characteristics of various types of microwave resonators, methods of rebuilding microwave resonators, determine the characteristics of functional electronics elements, in particular: solid samples and films of ferro-, para- and diamagnets, dielectrics, composite radio-absorbing coatings, etc.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Фізика електромагнітних явищ. Електро- і магнітостатика : навч.посіб. [для студентів фіз.-техн. та інж.-техн. спец. ВНЗ] / Г. В. Понеділок ; М-8 во освіти і науки України, Нац. ун-т "Львів. політехніка". – Львів : Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2016. – 464 с. 2. Радіометричні НВЧ методи та засоби вимірювання фізичних величин: навч. посіб. / О. П. Яненко, С. М Перегудов, К. Л. Шевченко. – Київ : КПІ, 2021. – 352 с. 3. Данилов В.В., Зависляк І.В., Балинський М.Г. Спінова електродинаміка. Київ: Либідь, 1991. 212 с. 4. Gurevich, A.G., & Melkov, G.A. (1996). Magnetization Oscillations and Waves (1st ed.). CRC Press. 5. О.О. Дробахін, В.В. Гнатушенко, В.Д. Рябчій, Д.Ю. Салтиков. Навчальний посібник до вивчення курсу «Техніка та електроніка НВЧ». Елементи мікрохвильової техніки. / – Дніпропетровськ: РВВ ДНУ, 2011. – 76 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Laboratory works, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Semester evaluation: The performance of each laboratory work is evaluated up to 10 points. Final evaluation (in the form of credit): the form of credit is oral (defense of laboratory reports). In total, you can get from 0 to 20 points for the credit. The condition for achieving a positive grade for a discipline is to obtain at least 60 points, the grade for credit cannot be less than 10 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline