East European historical studies

Faculty of History

East European historical studies
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of History
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Certificate of external independent evaluation
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Programme learning outcomes
1. Know the most important facts of the historic past of the people of Ukraine and the human history in the main, as well as have a deeper knowledge about a certain problem or phase of the history. 2. Comprehend the context and causes of associated historical events and use this knowledge in professional activities. 3. Know the main research approaches of the national and world history, the principles and methods of historical learning, the main types and kinds of the historical sources. 4. Have the conceptual and categorical framework of the historical science, use the scientific terms, accepted in the professional environment, in a professional manner. 5. Know how to work with written, material, ethnographic, oral, archival and other historical sources. 6. Identify the relationships between processes in the past and in the modern times, analyze the public processes in the history of Ukraine within the context of European and world history. 7. Understand and reveal the differences in historiography, views on the past of different era representatives and within different contexts. 8. Take part in planning and executing the scientific researches of the history, present the research results, argue the conclusions. 9. Have the organization skills of the practical issue solution of the historical memory and protection of the material and immaterial patrimony of Ukraine. 10. Apply the modern methods while popularizing the history and archeology, as well as while carrying out various types of the teaching activities. 11. Analyze the situations due regard being had to the historical context and/or historical prerequisites. 12. Communicate with the representatives of scientific, public, religious and national cultural organizations and communities on professional issues. 13. Understand the general and peculiar features of the historical development of different regions of Ukraine, Europe and the world, as well as the factors that are determinant the diversity of cultures and national communities, positively cooperate with the holders of various historical and cultural values. 14. Know how to accumulate and spread the best experience of the professional activity, to integrate the achievements of other sciences for the current history and archeology problems to be solved. 15. Know the most important facts of the historic past of the people of Central and Eastern Europe. 16. Comprehend the context and causes of the historical events of South-Eastern Europe. 17. Effectively communicate with the representatives of various subcultures of Central and Eastern Europe. 18. Adhere to the concept of inter-ethnic and inter-cultural dialogue in Central and Eastern European region. Additionally, for sample block “Nation formation and inter-ethnic processes in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe” 19. Know how to analyze and generalize the historical material within the context of nation formation and inter-ethnic relations in Central and Eastern European region. 20. Determine the specific connections of the cultural assets of the people of Central and Eastern Europe with the world culture. Additionally, for sample block “State and society in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe” 21. Know how to compare the historical events in the world with the social and state processes in Central and Eastern Europe. 22. Apply the acquirements for predicting the social and political processes in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Work-based learning
informative and traditional with elements of problem-oriented learning: lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes, individual classes. trainings; organization of round tables, scientific conferences and seminars; consultations, application of active methods of conducting training sessions, innovative distance learning technologies.
Director of the course
Iryna Volodymyrivna Malatsai
Department of History of Central and Eastern Europe
Faculty of History
Occupational profiles of graduates
Access to further studies