Geoinformation systems and Technologies

Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"

Geoinformation systems and Technologies
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Science
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Architecture and construction
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Availability of a bachelor's degree in 193 - Geodesy and Land Management, 103 - Earth Sciences and other related specialties
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
The qualification is awarded on the basis of professional mastery of competencies provided by the blocks of special disciplines and compliance with the minimum criteria: average score of compulsory and selected special block of disciplines, grades for passing and defending research and production practices, grade for comprehensive final certification in the educational program (exam) and grade for master's thesis at least 75 points (per 100 scale).
Programme learning outcomes
Use: technical ukr. language, communicate in a foreign language (English) among specialists in geodesy and land management; methods and technologies of creation of state geodetic networks, topographic survey of the area, topographic and geodetic measurements for surveys, design, construction and operation of engineering structures, industrial and agricultural complexes using modern ground and aerospace methods. Know: basics of geology, higher and engineering geodesy, topographic and thematic mapping, mapping, remote sensing and photogrammetry, land management, real estate appraisal and land cadastre; methods of collecting and structuring information for science. research in the field of geoinformatics, photogrammetry and remote sensing, methods of digital image processing in special packages, programs and GIS. Use: methods of collecting information in the fields of geodesy and land management and geosciences, their systematization and classification in accordance with the task; geostatistical data and mat. modeling for processing geodetic and geological research; methods and technologies of land management design, territorial and economic land management, land use planning and protection, cadastral surveys and maintenance of the state land cadastre. Develop land management projects using computer technology, GIS digital photogrammetry. Process the results of geodetic measurements, topographic and cadastral surveys, using GIS technology and computer programs. database management tools and systems. Possess: design of thematic GIS; GIS methods in project and territory management, methods of organization of topographic and geodetic and land management production from field measurements to management and sale of topographic and land management products based on modern computer technologies with the necessary GIS software; modern technologies for data collection, processing, exchange, transformation and integration in various fields of geosciences
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The final evaluation of learning outcomes at the University is carried out on a single 100-point scale. The assessment of the learner corresponds to the ratio of the level of professional and general competencies established in the assessment to the planned learning outcomes (as a percentage). The minimum positive level of evaluation is 60 points. According to the results of exams, according to the results of course and diploma works (projects); according to the results of work in practice, the student is given points on the following scale: "Excellent" 90 - 100%; "Good" 75 - 89%; "Satisfactory" 60 - 74%; "Unsatisfactory" 0 - 59%. If the final exam is not conducted in the disciplines, the results of the applicant's work are evaluated on a scale: "Enrolled" 60 - 100% or "Not credited" 0 - 59%.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Undergraduate practice in the workplace (5 weeks), research practice in specialization; passing the assistant practices
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Ivan Virshylo
Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"
Occupational profiles of graduates
Jobs are provided: in the field of information technology in GIS, IT companies in land management, financial companies for GIS technology, remote sensing of the Earth, government agencies, research design institutes and other private companies. GIS specialists can be involved in many areas, providing users with a basic set of operations for storing and processing raster, vector and matrix cartographic data, access to information in databases and tools for creating their own specialized applications, including: researcher (cartography, topography) ), chief specialist in geographic information systems and technologies, specialist in geosystematic environmental monitoring, specialist in geoinformatics.
Access to further studies
Opportunity to continue education at the third level of higher education (Doctor of Philosophy)