Software Engineering

Faculty of information Technology

Software Engineering
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master Software Engineering
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Information technologies
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
First cycle of higher education (NQF Level 6) or higher.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Admission was based on the results of the Common Entrance Examination of a foreign language, a Specialty Exam, and an Additional Entrance Examination for persons who have obtained a Bachelor's degree in another specialty.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Programme learning outcomes
Know and systematically apply methods of analysis and modeling of the application area, identifying information needs and collecting source data for software design. Justify the choice of methods for forming requirements for the software systems, that include convergent platforms, develop, analyze and systematize requirements. Know and apply basic concepts and methodologies for modeling information processes and objects. Evaluate and select methods and models of software development, implementation, operation and management at all stages of the life cycle. Develop and evaluate software design strategies; justify, analyze and evaluate the adopted design decisions in terms of quality and reliability of the final software product. Analyze, evaluate and select methods, modern software and hardware tools, computing tools, technologies, algorithmic and software solutions for efficient performance of production tasks in the area of embedded and mobile systems, distributed information ERP systems, real-time systems.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The final evaluation of learning outcomes at the University is carried out on a single 100-point scale. The assessment of the applicant corresponds to the ratio established of the level of professional and general competencies to the planned learning outcomes (as a percentage). The minimum positive level of assessment is 60 points. According to the results of exams, according to the results of course and diploma works (projects); based on the results of work in practice, the student is also graded on a 4-point scale: “Excellent”, “Good”, “Satisfactory”, “Unsatisfactory”. If the final exam is not conducted in the disciplines, the results of the applicant’s work are evaluated on a 2-point scale: “Passed” or “Fail”.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Work-based learning
Director of the course

Faculty of information Technology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Professional activity as a specialist in the architecture designing and software development of information systems, systems analyst in the field of information technology, as well as project manager for software development
Access to further studies
Access to programmes of the Third Cycle of Higher Education. Has the right to acquire additional qualifications in the adult education system.