History of Ukraine and Cultural Anthropology (with advanced program in foreign languages)

Faculty of History

History of Ukraine and Cultural Anthropology (with advanced program in foreign languages)
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of History and Archeology, Intern researcher (History)
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Complete secondary education
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Certificate of external independent evaluation
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Successful completion of the comprehensive qualification exam
Programme learning outcomes
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Work-based learning
informative and traditional with elements of problem-oriented learning: lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes, individual classes. trainings; organization of round tables, scientific conferences and seminars; consultations, application of active methods of conducting training sessions, innovative distance learning technologies.
Director of the course
Valerii Petrovych Kapeliushnyi
Department of Ethnology and Local History
Faculty of History
Occupational profiles of graduates
Access to further studies


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Foreign language: basic course
Code: ОК 01,
Foreign language: basic course (Polish language)
Code: ОК 01,
Admission to university studies
Code: ОК 05,
History of Ukrainian and foreign culture
Code: ОК 06,
History of Ukraine (from ancient times to the middle of the 14th century)
Code: ОК 12,
History of the Ancient East
Code: ОК 23,
Source studies
Code: ОК 27,
Code: ОК 28,
Introduction to the history of Ukraine and cultural anthropology
Code: ОК 42,
Code: ОК 44,
Archaeological practice
Code: ОК 45,
Code: ВК 1.9,
Code: ОК 43,
Information technologies in the professional field of the historian
Code: ОК 41,
Ukrainian language in professional communication
Code: ОК 37,
Cultural anthropology
Code: ОК 29,
Special historical disciplines
Code: ОК 30,
History of Ancient Greece. History of Ancient Rome.
Code: ОК 19,
History of Ukraine (middle of the 14th century - 17th century)
Code: ОК 13,
History of Ukraine (middle of the 17th century - end of the 18th century)
Code: ОК 14,
Foreign language: normative course
Code: ОК 02,
History of the Middle Ages and early modern times
Code: ОК 20,
History of the Middle East
Code: ОК 24,
Ukrainian ethnology
Code: ОК 31,
History of Central and South-Eastern Europe of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
Code: ОК 32,
Code: ВК 1.1,
Code: ВК 2.1,
The Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921, politics, military, wars
Code: ВК 3.1,
Code: ВК ,
Ukraine during the Second World War: historical facts and ideological myths
Code: ВК,
History in mass media
Code: ВК ,
History of Ukrainian art of the 20th-21st centuries.
Code: ВК 3.2,
Institute of the Presidency: Ukrainian and world experience (XX-XXI centuries)
Code: ВК,
Historical villages of Ukraine
Code: ВК,
Political satire in recent history of Ukraine
Code: ВК ,
Calendar rituals of Ukrainians
Code: ВК 2.2,
Archival and museum practice
Code: ОК 47,
Source studies of the history of Ukraine
Code: ВК 1.2,
History of Christian churches in Ukraine
Code: ОК 38,
Archival science
Code: ОК 36,
New and recent history of Central and South-Eastern Europe
Code: ОК 33,
A new history of the countries of Western Europe and North America
Code: ОК 21,
History of Ukraine (XIX century)
Code: ОК 15,
History of Ukraine (from the beginning of the 20th century to the Second World War)
Code: ОК 16,
Language of specialization (English)
Code: ОК 03,
A new history of the countries of Asia and Africa
Code: ОК 25,
History of Eastern Europe and Russia
Code: ОК 34,
Socio-political movement in Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century
Code: ВК 1.3,
Ukrainian paleography
Code: ВК 1.4,
Code: ВК 1.5,
The history of Ukrainian ethnology until the end of the 19th century
Code: ВК 2.3,
Ethnography of the peoples of Northern Europe
Code: ВК 2.4,
Business culture of Ukrainians
Code: ВК 2.5,
The Habsburg dynasty in the history of Ukraine
Code: ВК,
Museum tourism
Code: ВК,
Ukrainian fiction as a historical source
Code: ВК,
Everyday life of the population in the USSR in the 1920s and 1930s.
Code: ВК 3.3,
Political repressions in Ukraine in the 1920s and 1930s.
Code: ВК 3.4,
Cultural space of postmodern Ukraine
Code: ВК 3.5,
Anarchism in the history of Ukraine
Code: ВК ,
The Resistance Movement in Ukraine during the Second World War
Code: ВК 3.6,
Ethno-national conflicts
Code: ВК,
History of fashion of the 20th - early 21st centuries. in the socio-cultural context
Code: ВК,
Special services in international relations
Code: ВК,
Ethnoculture of cities and towns
Code: ВК 2.6,
Ethnographic practice
Code: ОК 48,
History of the Ukrainian Cossacks
Code: ВК 1.6,
The history of the communist totalitarian regime: formation, evolution, implementation in Ukraine
Code: ОК 35,
Recent history of the countries of Western Europe and North America
Code: ОК 22,
Scientific image of the world
Code: ОК 07,
History of Ukraine (from the beginning of World War II to 1991)
Code: ОК 17,
History of Ukraine (from 1991 to the present)
Code: ОК 18,
Code: ОК 09,
Code: ОК 09,
Translation practice from professional languages
Code: ОК 04,
Recent history of the countries of Asia and Africa
Code: ОК 26,
Code: ВК 1.7,
Historical local lore
Code: ОК 39,
National character and mentality
Code: ОК 40,
Worldviews of the peoples of the world
Code: ВК 2.7,
History of Ukrainian diplomacy
Code: ВК,
National minorities of Ukraine
Code: ВК,
Formation of the political elite of Ukraine
Code: ВК,
Special services in the modern history of Ukraine
Code: ВК 3.7,
Ukraine in European integration processes
Code: ВК 3.8,
Modern Ukrainian society of identity, mentality, values
Code: ВК 3.9,
Religious tourism
Code: ВК,
History of Ukraine in musical art
Code: ВК,
History of Ukrainian politics (end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century)
Code: ВК,
Religious and church life of Ukraine (late 20th - early 21st centuries)
Code: ВК 3.10 ,
State institutions of Ukraine during the period of independence
Code: ВК 3.11,
The influence of European culture on Ukrainian art
Code: ВК 2.8,
Folk art of Ukrainians
Code: ВК 2.9,
Mentality and national character of ethnic communities
Code: ВК 2.10,
Worldviews of Ukrainians
Code: ВК 2.11,
Local history practice
Code: ОК 46,
Code: ВК 1.9,
Historiography of the history of Ukraine from the earliest times to the beginning of the 20th.
Code: ВК 1.10,
History of the Church and religious thought in Ukraine
Code: ВК 1.11,
History of trade and money circulation in Ukraine (from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th)
Code: ВК 1.8,
Socio-political studies
Code: ОК 08,
Historical ecology
Code: ОК 10,
Selected sections of labor law and the basics of entrepreneurial activity
Code: ОК 11,