Economic Geography

heohrafichnyi fakultet

Economic Geography
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Geography
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Natural sciences
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Complete general secondary education
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Diploma of secondary education
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
On the basis of successful mastery of competencies provided by the elective block of disciplines with grades not less than 75 points, grade for Practical Training and Internship by the elective block not less than 75 points, receiving a score of not less than 75 points for the defense of qualifying work
Programme learning outcomes
P01. Know, understand and be able to use in practice the basic concepts of the theory of geography and worldviews. P02. Know and understand the main types of geographical activities, their division. P03. Explain the features of the organization of geographical space. P04. Analyze the geographical potential of the territory P05. Collect, process and analyze information in the field of geographical sciences. P06. Use information technology, cartographic and geoinformation models in the field of geographical sciences. P07. Determine the main characteristics, processes, history and composition of the landscape shell and its components. P08. Apply models, methods of physics, chemistry, geology, ecology, mathematics, information technology, etc. in the study of natural and social processes of formation and development of geospheres. P09. Analyze the composition and structure of natural and sociospheres (in accordance with the professional direction) on different spatial and temporal scales. P10. Know the goals of sustainable development and the opportunities of their professional field to achieve them, including in Ukraine. P11. Adhere to the moral and ethical aspects of research, honesty, professional code of behavior.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written and oral exams, tests, differentiated tests, current control, oral presentations, defense of practice reports, defense of course works, certification exam, public defense of bachelor's thesis
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Elective according to an individual schedule
Work placement
1. Practical Training on Methods of Acquiring Geographical Information. 2. Practical Training on Methods of Geographical Information Processing. 3. Practical Training on Methods of Geographical Information Dissemination. 4. Practical Training on the Basics of Field Research in Economic Geography. 5. Practical professionally oriented Training. 6. Internship
Work-based learning
Student-centered problem-oriented learning, which is conducted in the form of lectures, seminars, practical classes (including urban labs), coursework, independent work based on textbooks, textbooks and abstracts, consultations with teachers, teaching and production practices, bachelor's degree work in the last year studying
Director of the course
Olena Yuriivna Kononenko
Economic and Social Geography
heohrafichnyi fakultet
Occupational profiles of graduates
Graduates work as specialists in the international and national governmental and non-governmental organizations, research and environmental protection institutions, state regional governments and local authorities, business enterprises, consulting, analytical and outsourcing companies (methodologist, researcher, analyst, expert).
Access to further studies
It is possible to continue education after the second (master's) level of higher education, as well as promotion qualifications and additional postgraduate education


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Code: ,
Human Geography
Code: ОК 1.,
Study of relief and geological structure
Code: ОК 2.,
Meteorological and hydrological studies
Code: ОК 3.,
Biogeographic and soil science studies
Code: ОК 4.,
Cartography with the basics of topography
Code: ОК 5.,
Introduction into University Studies
Code: ОК 6.,
Foreign Language
Code: ОК 7.,
Practical Training on Methods of Acquiring Geographical Information
Code: ОК 8.,
Regional Geography and Local Lore
Code: ОК 9.,
Geography of Eurasia, North America and Australia
Code: ОК 10.,
Geography of countries of the Global North
Code: ОК 11.,
Practical Training on the Basics of Field Research in Economic Geography
Code: ОК 12.,
Geography of Population and Settlement
Code: ОК 13,
Economic Geography
Code: ОК 14,
Mathematical and statistical methods in geography
Code: ОК 15,
Geography of South America, Africa and Antarctica
Code: ОК 16.,
Geography of countries of the Global South
Code: ОК 17.,
Ukrainian and Foreign Culture
Code: ОК 18.,
Practical Training on Methods of Geographical Information Processing
Code: ОК 19,
Social geography
Code: ОК. 20,
Historical geography
Code: ОК. 21,
Medical geography
Code: ОК. 22,
Practical Professionally Oriented Training
Code: ОК. 23,
Recreational geography
Code: ОК. 24,
Urban geography
Code: ОК 25.,
Geography of services
Code: ОК 26.,
Geography of culture and religion
Code: ОК 27. ,
Code: ОК 28.,
Physical Geography of Ukraine
Code: ОК 29.,
Practical Training on Methods of Geographical Information Dissemination
Code: ОК 30.,
Selected Chapters of Labour Law and Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Activity
Code: ОК 31.,
Code: ОК 32.,
Political geography
Code: ОК 33.,
Code: ОК 34.,
Geography of the world economy
Code: ОК 35.,
Modelling in Geography
Code: ОК 36.,
Geographic information systems and remote monitoring
Code: ОК 37.,
Sustainable development of cities and regions
Code: Ок 38.,
Behavioral geography
Code: Ок 39.,
Bachelor's Thesis
Code: ОК 40.,
Socio-economic geography of Ukraine
Code: Ок 41.,
Historical and geographical foundations of the formation of the political map of the world
Code: ВК 1.1.1.,
Methods of regionaland political-geographic research
Code: ВК 1.1.2.,
Geography of international mobility
Code: ВК 1.1.3.,
Problems of country studies analysis
Code: ВК 1.1.4,
Regional and political-geographical studies
Code: ВК 1.1.5,
Countries of the world: geographical environment of development
Code: ВК 1.1.6,
Electoral geography
Code: ВК 1.1.7.,
Ukraine and the countries of the world: geopolitical and geoeconomic positioning
Code: ВК 1.1.8,
Geography of global problems of humanity
Code: ВК 1.1.9.,
Geography of global production systems
Code: ВК 1.1.10.,
Geography of outdoor and indoor recreation
Code: ВК 1.2.1,
Methods of recreational-geographical research
Code: ВК 1.2.2.,
Geography of recreational resources
Code: ВК 1.2.3.,
Geography of tourism with the basics of travel and excursion organization
Code: ВК 1.2.4,
Recreational geography and nature use of Ukraine
Code: ВК 1.2.5.,
Specialized types of recreation and tourism
Code: ВК 1.2.6,
Management of the development of tourism and recreation with the basics of spatial planning
Code: ВК 1.2.7.,
Information and communication support for tourist and recreational activities
Code: ВК 1.2.8.,
Recreational landscapes
Code: ВК 1.2.9.,
Designing schemes for the territorial development of tourism and recreation
Code: ВК 1.2.10,
Theories of location and regional economy
Code: ВК 1.3.1.,
Methods of regional studies
Code: ВК 1.3.2.,
Human-geographic cartography
Code: ВК 1.3.3.,
Geography of agriculture and food
Code: ВК 1.3.4.,
Geography of industry
Code: ВК 1.3.5.,
Human-geographic regionalisation
Code: ВК 1.3.6.,
Territorial planning
Code: ВК 1.3.7.,
Regional business planning
Code: ВК 1.3.8.,
Geography of transport and trade
Code: ВК 1.3.9. ,
Regional human geography of Ukraine
Code: ВК 1.3.10,
Theory and practice of planning
Code: ВК 1.4.1,
Methods of spatial analysis
Code: ВК 1.4.2,
Geography of natural resource potential
Code: ВК 1.4.3.,
Spatial planning of communities and regions
Code: ВК 1.4.4.,
Geography of Labour and Gender
Code: ВК 1.4.5,
Geography of science and education
Code: ВК 1.4.6,
Urban planning and the basics of city-building
Code: ВК 1.4.7.,
Geography of the countryside
Code: ВК 1.4.8.,
Geography of production and consumption
Code: ВК 1.4.9.,
Theories of regional development management
Code: ВК 1.4.10,